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Leyendo estas líneas, se familiarizará con los trabajos realizados durante mi carrera profesional y de formación.
Reading these lines, become familiar with the work done during my career and training.
Bases Científicas para la conservación de Berula erecta, una especie en Peligro de Extinción en la CAPV.
Póster presentado en el Congreso de Biología de la Conservación de plantas de Murcia 2013.


Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville es una especie en peligro de extinción (EN) en la CAPV. Es un hidrófito, perenne y estolonífero; con olor y apariencia similar al apio. Actualmente, cuenta con tres poblaciones conocidas en el País Vasco, todas localizadas en Álava. Vitoria-Gasteiz alberga una población, siendo un objetivo de conservación prioritario para el Banco de Germoplasma Vegetal (BG) del Jardín Botánico de Olarizu (JBO).


Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville is an endangered species (EN) in the Basque Country. It is a hydrophyte, stoloniferous and perennial which has three known populations in the Basque Country (located in Álava). Vitoria-Gasteiz has one of them, thus it is a priority in conservation efforts in the Plant Germplasm Bank (BG) of Olarizu Botanical Garden (JBO). Objectives of the study were: updating existing information on known populations in the Basque Country, checking the optimal timing of seed collection, finding out if it is possible the ex situ conservation of this species knowing the necessary conditions and determining optimal germination protocol. BG of JBO established an optimal germination protocol for fresh seed of Berula erecta, collected in two different periods in 2011. These were compared with the results of this work after ex situ conservation conducted according to international standards. Statistical analysis using the R software, were based on the binomial logistic regression model. The results of this study are an important contribution for future conservation plans for this species as they have increased the information possessed, achieved successfully the optimal protocol of germination (20°C in fresh seeds and 25°C after the freezing, both with photoperiod 16/8h day/night), obtained the period most suitable for collecting seeds (September) and determined that it is possible to keep them ex situ (seeds ultra-dry at -18°C).

Exposición oral en el Ataria
Ciclo de conferencias


Durante esta sesión Agustí Agut expuso las acciones y proyectos de conservación desarrollados desde la creación del Banco de Germoplasma, dando a conocer los principales resultados alcanzados. Además, Nancy Salas y yo presentamos los estudios específicos realizados sobre dos especiesen peligro de extinción y que han sido objeto de conservación prioritaria durante estos primeros años: Senecio carpetanus y Berula erecta.


During this session Agustí Agut explained the actions and conservation projects developed since the establishment of germplasm bank, revealing the main achieved results. In addition, Nancy Salas and I presented specific especiesen Studies of two species in risk of extinction and have been the subject of priority conservation during these early years: Senecio carpetanus and Berula erecta.

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